
We are the pediatricians of mental health. In medicine, doctors often refer to the “gold standard” which is the optimal treatment modality for a specific symptom. At the Gold Center, we aspire to provide a comprehensive plan to support you and your family. We don’t believe in “throwing the kitchen sink” at a problem. Our consultations seek to understand the nature of your child’s difficulties and craft a treatment plan that is not redundant and does not over diagnose your child or adolescent. You will have a team leader who takes a bird’s eye view of all the services that your child currently utilizes from tutors to coaches to therapists to doctors. We seek to coordinate and curate these services for your child and family.

It truly takes a “village” to raise a whole person. At the Gold Center, we strive get to know your village. We take a multi faceted approach where we assess both the mind and the brain. We evaluate the genetics, the medical and the psychological. We assess a patient’s life and relationships. For children and teenagers, we will speak to teachers, coaches, and tutors to obtain an understanding of a child’s challenges in the classroom, on the sports field and online. We also make home visits and provide in home behavioral plans and therapy when appropriate.

The Gold Method

We put the pieces together

If your child has a sore throat then you rush to the pediatrician to check it out. If you have a social or emotional concern then let us help.

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Less is more

Our goal is to thoughtfully curate the services that your family needs. We work to neither over diagnose nor over medicate your child.

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It takes a village

Teamwork is a key part of our treatment plans. We meet regularly and our team weighs in on every patient.

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Medication as a last resort

We believe that medication should be used when there are no other options. If medication is needed, low dose and conservative approach…

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Tweets, Snaps, and IRL Friends

We believe that one of the jobs of adolescence is to develop good social skills and learn to cultivate meaningful relationships. Our approach is to understand…

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Playing to Your Strengths

A huge life skill is being able to honestly recognize your strengths and weaknesses. We help families to identify…

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Blessing of a Skinned Knee

There is a great deal of research about the importance of developing resilience and grit. Our mission is to help children and families…

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College Prep is Life Prep

Of course, SAT and college placement are important but that is not the what we mean by “college prep”. We try to help teenagers to develop the life skills…

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Connect with us

For more information about our therapy services or to schedule an initial appointment, please contact us.