At the Gold Center, we focus on the entire family. We believe in customizing a parenting program for each family. In some cases, only parents will meet with clinician and in other situations the children will be involved in the treatment. We focus on family dynamics and coordinating parenting styles. We integrate skills from the evidence based programs such a parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT), Parent Management Training (PMT) and Russell Barkley’s Defiant Teens. All treatments focus on positive reinforcement and consistent limits and consequences.
Divorce Consultations and Parent Coordinator Services
The end of a marriage is a challenging life transition that is often full of disappointment and frustration. Couples often have difficulty co-parenting during the divorce and afterward.
Parents worry about the impact of a divorce on their children. At the Gold Center, we take a comprehensive look at the situation and try to assist the families in adjusting to the post-divorce life situation. We offer couples guidance in navigating a divorce and managing their children’s need. We do not believe in putting all children whose parents are divorcing into psychotherapy.
Children and adolescents process the losses related to divorce in their own way and in their own time. We are happy to consult with kids and develop an ongoing relationship.

School Consultations
School-based consultation is a collaborative process between clinicians, parents, and educators to promote child success in the classroom. A school-based consultation allows for clinicians to work with educators to better understand a student’s need and create behavioral plans and appropriate interventions to ensure a student’s success in school. We provide an ongoing dialogue between school psychologists and teachers which provides us with valuable information to modify treatment and track progress.